Here are our songs for this Lord’s Day:
- How Can I Keep My Path – C
- Christ The Lord Is Risen Today – C
- From Heav’n O Praise The Lord – C
- All Peoples That On Earth Do Dwell – G
- And Can It Be That I Should Gain – G
- From Heav’n O Praise The Lord – C
You guys have heard me recommend the amazing iOS app, “Sing Your Part” that is available for purchase. Well I have recently learned that you can access this amazing tool for free in an internet browser on any device by going to I am so excited for this and I hope you all begin to use it to learn different parts that best fit your vocal range. This will be a way for you to bring great beauty and depth to our corporate gatherings when we sing together. This week we are learning From Heav’n O Praise The Lord so get over there to and pick a part to learn.