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Water again.

We have water again! The water company moved our meter because it was on our neighbors property and we needed a bigger line. So after we finished plumbing and we tested everything, we called them to come move it. I just got the line put in yesterday.

It’s actually kind of funny, we used a huge backhoe to dig a ditch which by default was about two and a half feet deep and at least as wide for a one inch water line. Because Mr. Rau owns the backhoe, it actually was cheaper and easier for us to dig the massive ditch and fill it back in with our tractor. Considering my and Spencer’s plan A was to use our tractor to pull a small plow over and over while cleaning out the “trench”. Just in case you were wondering, no digging the 55′ trench by hand was never an option on the table.

This means that Ej can now water her plants she insisted on hanging on the unfinished porch.

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