The Church: A Gospel-Centered Community (pt.1)

This is an article i just stumbled across and it is a must read for sure! Let me know what you think!

By Jonathan Dodson

It’s a buzzword. It’s often misunderstood. It’s central to the Christian faith and yet absent from many churches: Community. I will address two main issues with our attempts to find community. First, defective Christian views of community are based on unbiblical notions of the Church. Second, true community is based not on what you do but who you are.

Church: A Community?

Most church-goers conceive of church as a building. On Sunday mornings they get up, get dressed, and “go to church.” However, this is not how the early Christians conceived of church. They did not go to church—they were the church. Church is a community, not a building or a meeting. Church is all week, not just on weekends. Church literally means a “public assembly of people.” It has to do with people gathering, not with program-participating.

In trying to communicate the church as community to my two-year-old son, I have changed the way I talk about church. Instead of telling him that we are “going to church,” I tell him that we are going to be with the church, to sing and eat with them. Once Christians repent of reducing church to buildings and programs and begin to cherish the people God has given them to live with, warts and all, community will increase.

The Household of God

In a letter to a pastor named Timothy, the apostle Paul described the church as “the household of God.” Household has more to do with dwelling and living than it has to do with brick and mortar. God dwells in the church. The church is not just people; it’s God’s living room, his neighborhood. Church is both human and divine, a place where people and God live in community together.

God: A Community of Persons

Community as a divine-human phenomenon is traced back to the nature of God. God is not, as many assume, a disinterested Scientist, a removed Observer, or an impersonal Energy. According to the Bible, God is three persons in relationship—God the Father, Son and Spirit. God has always existed as a community of persons, self-sufficient, self-delighting, self-honoring, with no need of anything or anyone else.

The Imago Dei

When he created the universe, he made man like himself, “in his image.” This means many things. One thing it means is that man was created with a need for community. We don’t need the Bible to prove this need. Even feral children, kids that are abandoned in the wild, make friends with animals. We are social creatures.

The Redemption of Community

God is also purposeful. He designed the universe for redemption. New life comes out of dying stars. In divine agreement, the Trinity agreed that Jesus would die to rescue the world that man would mar. Jesus died “before the foundation of the world.” As a result, Jesus put the creation project back on track. He began restoring it right away. Healing lepers, stilling storms, balancing the unstable, drawing people back into community with God and with one another. God is missional. One of his purposes is to redeem and restore community by saving humanity from their broken relationships with him and with one another.

Vintage ChurchVintage Church:

In this book, Mark Driscoll and Gerry Breshears discuss the essentials of what it means to be a biblical church. Find out more.






3 responses to “The Church: A Gospel-Centered Community (pt.1)”

  1. caleb Avatar

    I posted this same thing on the cfc community forum so if you are a member there, then go ahead and comment over there… other wise just go ahead and comment here. Thanks!

  2. Lilye Waters Avatar
    Lilye Waters

    I love this statement: God is missional. One of his purposes is to redeem and restore community by saving humanity from their broken relationships with him and with one another.

    I would have commented on the forum but forgot my password. Email for a new one but rec’d no respnse.

    Also, I posted this on my blog. I get these every morning from a friend. Talks about staying open for new things.

    Stay Open for a New Thing

    Today’s Scripture

    “Behold, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs forth; do you not perceive and know it and will you not give heed to it? I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert” (Isaiah 43:19, AMP).

    Today’s Word

    If we are going to be all that God created us to be, we have to be open to change. Just because something worked five years ago doesn’t mean it’s still going to work today. We can’t get so set in our ways that we won’t try anything new. Many people today have lost their enthusiasm, or there’s no freshness in their life because every time an opportunity comes for change, for promotion, for increase, they shrink back because they’re not used to it. They don’t realize that’s what’s keeping them from going to the next level.

    One thing I’ve noticed about successful people is that they know how to change with the times. They don’t get stuck in a rut doing the same thing, the same way, year after year. They’re constantly evaluating where they are and what they’re doing. They make adjustments so they can improve.

    Decide today to stay open for the new thing God wants to do in your life. Remember, He’s promised to make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. Look for the new thing so that you can fulfill the destiny He has prepared for you!

    A Prayer for Today

    Heavenly Father, search my heart today. Remove any attitudes or thought patterns that would keep me from Your best. I will stay open to the new things You have in store for me. In Jesus´ Name. Amen.

  3. caleb Avatar

    That is so true!

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