Category: exhortation

  • 2024 Congregational Meeting Exhortation

    This past year, we have seen some wonderful growth. However in some ways we are battling some stagnation and even retreat…

  • G.K. Chesterton on a New Year

    New Years and such things are extraordinarily valuable. They are arbitrary divisions of time; they are a sudden and ceaseless cutting in two of time. But when we have an endless serpent in front of us, what can we do but cut it in two?

  • Address to City Council 5/25/23

    And to the Christians of Taylor let me remind you, there is an ongoing fight to protect kids in Taylor. Children in our community are still being groomed and facing irreparable, physical damage and abuse as well as severe emotional harm at the hands of the LGBTQ+ movement. It’s time again to Break the Silence.

  • Dear Christians in Taylor, Texas,

    Dear Christians in Taylor, Texas,

    Christian, many of us are being deceived (maybe even by our pastors) into believing that there is a neutral stance that must be taken in order for all to get along, and in order for us to effectively love our neighbors. In reality, there is no neutral stance; anyone who tells you there is, is…

  • Called and Carried

    Called and Carried

    Paul says that with this meal, we are proclaiming the Lord’s death until he comes. But why His death? Of course the cup/wine (or in our case, the juice) represents the blood He spilled, and the bread represents His body that was broken for us. But why does God want our eating and drinking this…