Category: building projects

  • The framing saga begins…

    Well we have begun framing which is pretty exciting, although frustrating at the same time.  I have been well informed by several people but i still am not at all confident in what i’m doing so my natural inclination is to drag my feet because of my uncertainty.  Nonetheless we are moving forward and with…

  • All dried in.

    Drum roll please… the house is all dried in!  This is a good thing because my parent’s garage was literally filled to the max with only small trails between the immense amount of stuff.  Now it’s time to frame… I am pretty sure we’re ready…pretty sure. Here is what has been Spencer’s and my project…

  • A gen-u-ine operation!

    Ok we went out of town this weekend, so i have a little catching up to do.  Thankfully, lots has been accomplished and we are moving right along at a fairly steady pace.  Enjoy the pics! Ok so here is the story on the wood.  Our gracious and EXTREMELY generous cousin Ardalia E. Martin and…

  • Where we are

    Before we get on with the house news and pics, we found out what we are having yesterday, and let’s just say Ej has a little Chinese turtle named wang—it’s a boy!  Can’t wait to meet my boy Ephraim Alexander Ripple, yes we know, EAR, we think that’s cool! Moving right along, here is where…

  • Inside the hanger

    Here is a quick look at the inside the zeppelin hanger…