Category: church
Just thinking
You know what i’ve been thinking a lot about lately? Infant baptism. Have you ever really thought about that topic? If so, i would love to hear some of your thoughts. If not, you should. If you are interested in doing a little reading on the subject, here are two articles one arguing for by…
Songs we sing!
Here are a couple of the songs from this weekend, you should enjoy them—we sure do! (Even if the recording is subpar.) // Amazing Grace // You Have Redeemed my Soul
Children in the Meeting of the Ephesian Church
There is a big difference in being rebellious and being ignorant but the difference doesn’t lie in the outcome but rather in the heart. The fruit of ignorance and the fruit of rebellion grow on the same tree and are the same fruit. Christ calls us to surrender and naturally to grow in knowledge and…
Let Love
12.1 I appeal to you therefore brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies… It is by God’s grace and mercy that we can even approach Him. Just think about the Holy of Holies. No one but the High Priest could go beyond the curtain. Jesus Christ is now the High Priest for…
The Gospel and Forks
Q: How do you teach immature children the truth of the Gospel and a Christian life? A: The same way you taught them how to use a fork. I recently inherited my brand new baby sheep. With the start of every school year i get all the new 6th graders. It is always culture shock…