Category: culture

  • Context Matters

    I am not a minister in New York City. I am not a minster in a college town or on a college campus. I am a minister in a small rural community in central Texas called Taylor. Here, the opium of the masses is apathy. Apathy as opposed to equally seductive intellectualism. Of course I’m…

  • Triumphant Lamb

    In light of recent events, it just doesn’t seem appropriate to celebrate our independence from tyranny. Any such celebration would be a charade as we the people are being relentlessly tyrannized by an overreaching government that believes its power and authority to be unlimited. However, hope is not lost, I believe reformation is at hand.…

  • Unfortunate Father’s Day

    For some of you fathers with less than desirable wives, a happy father’s day is going to be impossible. I pity you and will pray. Let me be clear to avoid any unnecessary offense and to further level offense with a bit more precision, what I mean by “less than desirable” would be a wife…

  • Patrick wasn’t technically irish either…

    Last year (in part because of my short adventure in Dublin) i read the book How the Irish Saved Civilization. I thoroughly enjoyed it and came away with some amazing and inspiring information.  So in honor of St. Patrick, who can be particularly thanked for the saving of civilization due to his teachings and proclaiming of…

  • Random Mobile Post

    At the doctor this morning with my wife. We are tired (long story)… There’s a funny old man in the waiting room with us, they told him he had to drink a huge cup of stuff and he just laughed and took the cup. After fumbling around with it, he dropped the straw and asked…