Category: culture

  • We used to be pagan too!

    Just read a great article on Christmas here and thought i would pass it right along.  If it is any incentive, i highly recommend it, especially if you or anyone you know refuses to celebrate this joyous season (or certain aspects of it) because of the supposed pagan roots… “Some object to the celebration of…

  • Impending Poem

    This is a project i was a part of. Just so you know, we didn’t get the greatest grade but i am still very proud! “Impending defined is, about to happen. Our video is a poem of words and images. We felt very limited in our personal … all » ability to accurately give convincing…

  • Stewardship Schmoowardship – D. Wilson

    I have been thinking alot about american government lately and particularly the topic of the “environmental crisis”. Doug says it like it is! I will have more to say about this soon! Stewardship Schmoowardship – by Douglas Wilson Topic: Wealth and the Christian There are many things that are exasperating about the soi disant stewards…

  • Genesis 4:1-16

    I recently had an incredible moment, call it a revelation call it coincidence some might even call it Biblical poetic prophecy, all i know is that it blew my mind.  It all began during our thursday morning bible study and the Scriptural passage in Genesis chapter 4 verses 1 through 16.  It reads as follows:…

  • Fishing License (aka) To kill or not, my choice, my right.

    Fishing is not necessarily something that i would say i love doing although i enjoy it. Probably more so for the evoked memories and reminiscent experience rather the the actual practice of ‘tricking and killing’ as Mr. Martin so eloquently phrased it. As i was preparing to fish in something other than our tiny pond,…