Category: life
Unfortunate Father’s Day
For some of you fathers with less than desirable wives, a happy father’s day is going to be impossible. I pity you and will pray. Let me be clear to avoid any unnecessary offense and to further level offense with a bit more precision, what I mean by “less than desirable” would be a wife…
On The Recent Controversy
It has been said that those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. I believe this and I hope you do too. I would even take this idea a step further and add that those who cannot remember the past are condemned not only to repeat it but also to rewrite it.…
A Picture > 1,000 Words
A snap shot of my life, two years ago to the day. I am grateful and abundantly blessed more than I could ever deserve.
Free Advice Friday:
If “God says something” to you and it turns out to be false, it wasn’t God saying something to you. And next time you “hear” that “voice” don’t listen. Now, to avoid confusion or unnecessary offense let me give you a brief example. If “God tells you” who is going to be the next P.O.T.U.S.…
What’s In A Name?
I’ve been sitting on this one for a while now—thought perhaps it was a bit grating. But alas, I don’t care, to loosely echo Jefferson, a little ruckus now and then is a good thing. Let’s get things rolling with a quote something like this: “A convenience store approach to birth control is this generation’s…