
Theology as it pertains to grimy hands and toes-in-the-mud life.

  • Songs We Sing (9/15/24)

    Here are our songs… We will begin learning a new song tonight, another fuguing tune, “Word and Water, Bread and Wine”. It is 474 in the Cantus Christi 2020 and on Sing Your Part. You can also watch Christ Church sing part of it in the video below.

  • Songs We Sing (9/8/24)

    Here are our songs…

other posts

  • On Rahab

    Rahab was not only adopted into the Church, she was not just tucked away into some obscure corner of history, like we probably will be, but she was called and chosen to be apart of the blood line of the Messiah. Faithful Rahab was in God’s mind as a part of the ancient promise that…

  • Head and Heart: Intellectualism, Emotionalism, and Worship

    If true worship were a road, it would have two idolatrous ditches: intellectualism and emotionalism. As sinners we inevitably end up in one of these ditches, bent toward the head or toward the heart, and apart from Christ. The heart is deceptively wicked and the head is full of smoke. Either of these alone leads…

  • For His Own Sake, He Has Loved You

    “For my name’s sake I defer my anger, for the sake of my praise I restrain it for you, that I may not cut you off. Behold I have refined you, but not as silver; I have tried you in the furnace of affliction. For my own sake, for my own sake, I do it,…