
Theology as it pertains to grimy hands and toes-in-the-mud life.

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  • Flies Fast

    I could slow these pictures down but not really. This life is a vapor. Time really does fly, and it flies fast.

  • The Night Before Christmas

    At the beginning of this series, we started by establishing that Christmas didn’t start with the pregnant virgin Mary and the birth of Christ. Christmas began in Eden, in the garden. We then looked at Isaiah’s prophecy to try and better understand what the incarnation was; what Christmas really was and did and is going…

  • Gideon’s Baptism Exhortation

    This Lord’s day Ej and I baptized our new baby, Gideon. Our church is non-denominational and has been historically credobaptist. After having to baptize my first two sons in private ceremonies the leadership finally agreed to allow the households to decide the matter for themselves rather than exclude families based on this particular belief. I am so grateful…