Songs We Sing (7/7/24)
Here are our songs…
Songs We Sing (6/30/24)
Here are our songs for this Lord’s Day…
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Rights Make Lovely Kindling For The Fires Of Grace
Text: 1 Corinthians 8:1-13 This morning we will be getting back into 1 Corinthians. We are going to be in chapter 8. Before we read it, let me give you a bit of an introduction. I want to make sure you are equipped with the proper lenses to see…
On Worship 2
Don’t miss the first installment of this series: On Worship 1. If you would like to listen to this sermon or other past sermons, you can find them at cfctaylor.com/resources. Finally, I want to express how very grateful I am for Tim Keller, John Piper, David Platt, and Doug Wilson who’s books, studies, sermons, and blogs regarding worship have been…
On Worship
Unfortunately we didn’t capture the audio of todays sermon, but here is the manuscript. Over the next two weeks we are going to be talking about worship. My goal for this week is for us to develop a more solid understanding of what it is to worship and how we are to worship properly. And…