
Theology as it pertains to grimy hands and toes-in-the-mud life.

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  • Exhortation To Learn To Die

    After last Wednesday’s gathering I received a couple questions and comments about one of the songs we sang. “This doesn’t sound like a worship song. Why are we singing it in worship?” Good observations. So I thought I would take a moment and say a little something about it. The song is “Learning How To…

  • Merry Mother’s Day

    With another Mother’s Day upon us, Jared Wilson recently quipped on twitter, “We love moms, so we’re gonna focus on Jesus this Sunday.” This witty line contains a much needed sentiment we in the church should all happily affirm. So go retweet it ASAP. Another good article in an ongoing series by Joe Carter, 9 Things You…

  • If It Be Thy Will, Confession or Cop-out?

    UPDATE: Since posting, I have spoken to my friend, Ben Ratchford whom I quoted below. We had a good conversation and he was able to state in more detail, what His post was about. While my brother and I probably don’t agree theologically at every point, I was glad to hear that we agreed on the…