Songs We Sing (5/26/24)
Here are our songs…
Songs We Sing (5/19/24)
Here are our songs for this Lord’s Day…
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Exhortation To Learn To Die
After last Wednesday’s gathering I received a couple questions and comments about one of the songs we sang. “This doesn’t sound like a worship song. Why are we singing it in worship?” Good observations. So I thought I would take a moment and say a little something about it. The song is “Learning How To…
Merry Mother’s Day
With another Mother’s Day upon us, Jared Wilson recently quipped on twitter, “We love moms, so we’re gonna focus on Jesus this Sunday.” This witty line contains a much needed sentiment we in the church should all happily affirm. So go retweet it ASAP. Another good article in an ongoing series by Joe Carter, 9 Things You…
If It Be Thy Will, Confession or Cop-out?
UPDATE: Since posting, I have spoken to my friend, Ben Ratchford whom I quoted below. We had a good conversation and he was able to state in more detail, what His post was about. While my brother and I probably don’t agree theologically at every point, I was glad to hear that we agreed on the…