Songs We Sing (8/18/24)
Here are our songs…
Songs We Sing (8/11/24)
Here are our songs for this Lord’s Day…
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Songs We Sing (4/6/14)
The following is from Mother Kirk: Essays On Church Life (p. 134-135) written by Douglas Wilson. The issue of worship is crucial because, for good or ill, the Church leads the way in our culture… One of our problems is that we have confounded praise and worship. The definition of praise seems obvious, and fortunately, it is.…
Concerning the Collection
[I have much gratitude for Pastor David Platt who recently preached through this very passage and from whose faithful work I gleaned much in preparing this sermon.] . . . Text: 1 Corinthians 16:1-4 This Lord’s Day as we approach the end of 1 Corinthians, we come to what is apparently the last…
Children and Covenant
UPDATE: Articles 7 and 8 in the series have been added. I came across a series over at kuyperian.com by a gentleman named Luke Welch. In these articles, he is laying out a strong (and easy to follow) case for covenant theology, specifically the inclusion of our children in the covenant and therefore the sacraments, both baptism…