
Theology as it pertains to grimy hands and toes-in-the-mud life.

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  • A Better Hope Introduced (Part 2)

    Last week I started talking about the old and new covenant, about law and promise, and we are going to continue with that today. We talked about the purpose of the law and the sacrificial system, how it was temporary by design, and never meant to give us righteousness just like going to school isn’t…

  • A Better Hope Introduced (Part 1)

    Over the next two weeks I want to talk about the old and new covenant, about the law and the promise, what is different, and what is continuous though both covenants. Partly, to make clearer the purpose of the law and the priests and sacrifices, and to show that God hasn’t changed. And then next…

  • Water and Rest – Exodus 17

    See Jesus. See the Rock that was tested and proved faithful, who provides living water where and when true rest seems impossible. See Jehovah the victorious banner that is lifted up to put your enemies down and to raise you up along side Him in glorious victory.