Songs We Sing (12/8/24)
Here are our songs for the Second Sunday of Advent…
Songs We Sing (11/24/24)
Here are our songs…
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Should young children receive the Lord’s Supper?
Follow the links below to read an outstanding article by Peter Leithart entitled “Paedocommunion, The Gospel, And The Church.” Among other things, it answers the aforementioned question, “Should young children receive the Lord’s Supper?” His closing line is especially relevant. “If the Reformed churches hope to advance the gospel with power in our day, we must…
Restorer of Life (Ruth 4)
In Christ, your story will be one of death and division and resurrection and redemption and restoration—of fertility made barrenness to be made abundantly fruitful at last. It is a fruitfulness that will cost you absolutely everything, but when you do finally let go—step off the side of that cliff and desperately and hopefully pray…
Strategic Righteousness (Ruth 3)
It’s my hope that as we grow up in our knowledge of Christ, Christ Fellowship Church will come to trust and to feel the sovereign kindness of God in all things—sweet and bitter. That from a firm hope in God, we would be a zealous and strategically righteous people who are completely reliant upon the…