
Theology as it pertains to grimy hands and toes-in-the-mud life.

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  • On Controversy

    So apparently I’m a little late to this party but I just realized that John Newton is a calvinist. This doesn’t surprise me given the hymns he’s written (i.e. Amazing Grace, Glorious Things of Thee are Spoken, Let Us Love and Sing and Wonder, etc.) but to my credit, any Christian sounds like a calvinist when they stick…

  • If the Church is doing her job…

    Toby J. Sumpter has been on a roll lately. His latest Jesus & the Bikinis is another home run. Here’s a taste but you should most definitely read the whole thing (here): And if the Church is doing her job, proclaiming this good news of forgiveness and justice in Jesus, then she ought to attract people who…

  • Context Matters

    I am not a minister in New York City. I am not a minster in a college town or on a college campus. I am a minister in a small rural community in central Texas called Taylor. Here, the opium of the masses is apathy. Apathy as opposed to equally seductive intellectualism. Of course I’m…