
Theology as it pertains to grimy hands and toes-in-the-mud life.

  • Songs We Sing (2/18/24)

    Here are our songs for this first Lord’s Day in Lent: “King Alfred’s War Song” in G, “The Day Is Past and Gone” in C, “I Bind Unto Myself Today” in Bb, and “I Know That My Redeemer Lives” in G.

  • Songs We Sing (2/11/24)

    Here are our songs for this Lord’s Day: “My Soul Now Bless Thy Maker” in G, “Drawing Water” from Isaiah 12 in E, “All Hail The Power of Jesus Name (Diadem)” in Ab, “Blest The Man That Fears Jehovah” from Psalm 128 in Ab, and “Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence” in F.

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  • Unfortunate Father’s Day

    For some of you fathers with less than desirable wives, a happy father’s day is going to be impossible. I pity you and will pray. Let me be clear to avoid any unnecessary offense and to further level offense with a bit more precision, what I mean by “less than desirable” would be a wife…

  • The World Is A Protean Shapeshifter

    This is why Paul attacks the law, when it is in the mouths of those who would commend themselves. This is why he glories in the law when it is in the mouth of the one who loves. This is why Jeremiah attacked the Temple, and why Solomon built it. This is why God commanded…

  • Only God Can

    Go out and open [blind] eyes. Don’t stop because you can’t do this. Of course you can’t. Only God can open the eyes of the blind (2 Cor. 4:6). But the fact that you can’t make electricity or create light never stops you from flipping light switches. The fact that you can’t create fire in…