
Theology as it pertains to grimy hands and toes-in-the-mud life.

  • Songs We Sing (12/3/23)

    The songs selected for the upcoming Lord’s Day include ‘Savior of the Nations, Come’ in Bb, ‘O Come, O Come, Emmanuel’ and ‘The Lord At First Did Adam Make’, both in G, and ‘Lo, How A Rose E’er Blooming’ in E.

  • Songs We Sing (11/19/23)

    Come Ye Sinners – G; Mighty Lord, Extend Your Kingdom – E; Psalm 134 – G; The Lord Hear Thee In Troubled Times – G; And Can It Be That I Should Gain – G

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  • Justice Has Prevailed

    Psalm 16:2 – “I say to the Lord, ‘You are my Lord; I have no good apart from You.’”  Ecclesiastes 7:20 – “Surely there is not a righteous man on earth who does good and never sins.” Romans 7:18, 24-25 – “For I know that nothing good dwells in me, that is, in my flesh. For I have the desire to…

  • Objections Anyone?

    Read this carefully, and I would appreciate your feedback. Please let me know if you agree or if and where you have quibbles. Here it is: Apart from the work of Christ you are completely helpless to save yourself. Christ came to save the world and accomplished that when He rose from the grave. This…

  • Spiritual Gifts & Cessationism

    Here is a good conversation and a much needed conversation. Doug Wilson interviews Mark Driscoll on the subject of spiritual gifts and cessationism. If you don’t know what cessationism is, don’t worry they’ll cover that in the video. If you don’t know what spiritual gifts are, you probably won’t find this video very helpful or…