Songs We Sing (10/29/23)
Here are our songs for this Lord’s Day: Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken; Mighty Lord, Extend Your Kingdom; King Alfred’s War Song; The Lord Hear Thee In Troubled Times; My Soul Now Bless Thy Maker
Songs We Sing (10/22/23)
Here are our songs for this Lord’s Day: Mighty Lord, Extend Your Kingdom; Let Us Love and Sing and Wonder; Ye Choirs of New Jerusalem; All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name
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Faith of Jesus Christ
In studying different resources on Galatians, i ran across an article by Doug Wilson (one of my favorites) and found it very helpful and encouraging. I’d like to share the following excerpt with you. His exposition here covers Galatians 2:16-21. You can read the whole article here. What is meant by “the faith of Jesus Christ”?…
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Recently i instigated (rather sarcastically i should add) a logic discussion with someone who by their own admission isn’t a Christian. Now don’t throw up your hands at my insolence just yet. To my credit i didn’t know that at the time as he was making himself out to be a most authoritative and outspoken…
A Vision for Discipleship
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