
Theology as it pertains to grimy hands and toes-in-the-mud life.

  • Songs We Sing (9/24/23)

    Ye Choirs of New Jerusalem – Ab; I Know That My Redeemer Lives – F; Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence – F; Let Israel Now Say In Thankfulness – F; Lo! He Comes – G

  • Songs We Sing (9/17/23)

    Here are the songs! Ye Choirs of New Jerusalem – Ab, There Is A Hope – C, Death in His Grave- D, In Christ Alone – E, For All The Saints – G

other posts

  • First Light

    We have turned on the first light ever in the house! Also, we have Sheetrock taped and floated and ready for texture… We are getting really excited!

  • Alas, we’ve made progress!

    I know, i know, it’s been a while.  Something about being a dad is pulling me away from my other things like writing and even working on our house.  But alas, we have made progress and quite a bit at that—at least since the last time i posted…  We have sheetrock now! Also, i haven’t…

  • Water again.

    We have water again! The water company moved our meter because it was on our neighbors property and we needed a bigger line. So after we finished plumbing and we tested everything, we called them to come move it. I just got the line put in yesterday. It’s actually kind of funny, we used a…