Songs We Sing (7/7/13)

Q: How could a loving God send anyone to Hell?

A: How could He not?

Everyone knows God. If you believe your bible, you must believe that. What this means then is that, like the scriptures teach, all unbelievers are without excuse and they suppress the truth. Every individual, who dies without believing the gospel of Jesus Christ—without trusting on Christ, will be eternally punished in Hell and rightfully so. This too will glorify God. It will glorify God in part because it will magnify what He loves and therefore what He hates.

It has been said that the opposite of love isn’t hate, it’s indifference. Think about that. God loves and He hates but He is never indifferent. David proclaims his hatred of falsehood and his love of God’s law. Jesus commands us to love even our enemies. Paul exhorts us to let love be genuine and to abhor what is evil. There is no place for indifference in love.

Look at our God! Listen to His word! How can we keep from singing? If we have been born all over again, if while we were dead, He made us His friends, if the murdered Son paid for our resurrection, how could we not shout it from the mountains or tell it to the masses?!? He is God! They know this, and this is why they need the gospel. Because if they do not repent and believe on Jesus, they will suffer unimaginable eternal torment away from God.

All of us have built in to our very nature, a knowledge of the truth. We all feel it. Home. Right. God. Love. Some try and suppress it but no one can truly get away from it. And the very fact that there is a struggle, a battle in each one of us, testifies to it all the more. Only in the gospel will we find the answer. Only in Christ will we find our Home.

So the charge is this: Be faithful. Sing loudly as a witness of these truths and as a means of exorcising your pride and fear. Understand that regardless, your singing is an expression and testimony of what is in your heart. God alone can perceive your heart; we get to hear your voice.

Here are our songs:

  1. How Can I Keep From Singing
  2. Oh My God
  3. Murdered Son
  4. All The Poor And Powerless
  5. Feels Like HomeHow Can I Keep From Singing (png)Oh My God (png)Murdered Son (png)

All the Poor and Powerless (png) Feels Like Home (png)









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