Tag: abortion
A Dead Baby Is A Dead Baby
A recent case of forced abortion in China outraged the international community, which only serves to show our hypocrisy. If we remember to take the child into account, all abortions are forced abortions. Sometimes, as in China, the mother and child are both coerced. Other times, as practiced in America, only the child is. But…
Genesis 4:1-16
I recently had an incredible moment, call it a revelation call it coincidence some might even call it Biblical poetic prophecy, all i know is that it blew my mind. It all began during our thursday morning bible study and the Scriptural passage in Genesis chapter 4 verses 1 through 16. It reads as follows:…
Fishing License (aka) To kill or not, my choice, my right.
Fishing is not necessarily something that i would say i love doing although i enjoy it. Probably more so for the evoked memories and reminiscent experience rather the the actual practice of ‘tricking and killing’ as Mr. Martin so eloquently phrased it. As i was preparing to fish in something other than our tiny pond,…