Tag: genesis
More Righteous Than I – Genesis 38
The Redeemer would come from Judah so God tells us the story of our father, Judah. And this story is anything but glamorous and dignified. In fact it is quite the opposite. It is the kind of thing we would try and stuff away and hope that one day everybody would forget about. This is…
Wise Mercy – Genesis 37
My goal for this sermon is first, that we would gain a greater understanding of God’s sovereignty and how He works in the lives of His people. And second, that this revelation of God would help us to understand our own lives better.
From The Table Of Nations To The Desire of Nations
(Sermon from 7/20/14 at Christ Fellowship Church.) Text: Genesis 10 Heavenly Father, we are so grateful for Your Word, we love Your Word. Help us to remember, that even though Genesis 10 is difficult and awkward and can seem irrelevant to us here today, it is Your holy and inspired Word that it is like buried…
A Greater Rest Than Noah
[Sermon from 7/13/14 at Christ Fellowship Church.] Text: Genesis 8:20 – 9:28 The Bible is a collection of different books written by different authors spanning centuries and covering a period of centuries. Although the Bible is made up of different books and characters, it is important to understand that it makes up one single…
Genesis 4:1-16
I recently had an incredible moment, call it a revelation call it coincidence some might even call it Biblical poetic prophecy, all i know is that it blew my mind. It all began during our thursday morning bible study and the Scriptural passage in Genesis chapter 4 verses 1 through 16. It reads as follows:…