Tag: providence

  • If It Be Thy Will, Confession or Cop-out?

    UPDATE: Since posting, I have spoken to my friend, Ben Ratchford whom I quoted below. We had a good conversation and he was able to state in more detail, what His post was about. While my brother and I probably don’t agree theologically at every point, I was glad to hear that we agreed on the…

  • What’s In A Name?

    I’ve been sitting on this one for a while now—thought perhaps it was a bit grating. But alas, I don’t care, to loosely echo Jefferson, a little ruckus now and then is a good thing. Let’s get things rolling with a quote something like this: “A convenience store approach to birth control is this generation’s…

  • Genesis 4:1-16

    I recently had an incredible moment, call it a revelation call it coincidence some might even call it Biblical poetic prophecy, all i know is that it blew my mind.  It all began during our thursday morning bible study and the Scriptural passage in Genesis chapter 4 verses 1 through 16.  It reads as follows:…